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Make Your Brand Speak

The Tone of your Brand is equivalent to your Brand Personality The voice you establish for your own business is an integral part of your Website, Blog, Social media presence, Email Campaigns, and everything. The voice in your content should reflect how you want your brand to be perceived by the audience. for example, the...

Great Content Great Brand

Every piece of content you publish online defines your brand. So, great content = great brand. Boring content = Boring brand.   When developing your content strategy, ask yourself: Does this piece of the content address their pain points? Is this tone appropriate for the subject matter and reader of this content? Is this the...

What Is Sales Kit

Branding is the process of creating a strong, positive perception of your company, and its product in your customer’s mind.   Components of the Sales Kit / Great Branding Points that should be noted to build a great brand. 1) Excellent Image Gallery of the Products 2) Product Catalog 3) Handsome Website Your website is...

Measuring Your Brand

When someone visits your website, reads your blog, and downloads your e-book, Do you know if they ultimately bought what you are selling If someone likes your Facebook page, how much revenue does that translate to? If someone retweets a brand’s tweet, does that make the cash registering? When someone visits your website, reads your...

What is Branding

Branding is the process of creating a strong, positive perception of your company and its product in your customer’s mind.   What Is Branding? 3 points that should be noted in this definition of product branding are: Branding is to be unique. A unique branding results in the product being more recognized and differentiated in...