What Is Sales Kit

Branding is the process of creating a strong, positive perception of your company, and its product in your customer’s mind.


Components of the Sales Kit / Great Branding

Points that should be noted to build a great brand.

  • 1) Excellent Image Gallery of the Products

  • 2) Product Catalog

  • 3) Handsome Website
    Your website is the face of your company. While it’s true that every public mention or appearance has an impact on your brand, your website is what you’re specifically showing to people. If your brand is a house, the website is the front room where visitors gather. It’s your job to make sure that room is clean and neat, visually appealing, and comfortable for them. Those design elements, however small they may seem, are an essential part of the brand.

  • 4) Social Media
    One of the things that set online marketing apart from the traditional marketing methods is the opportunity to create a two-way conversation with the customer. You can actually connect with them, respond to feedback, answer their questions in real-time, help them resolve an issue, or just check in and let them know that your brand values what they have to say. This is what social media is all about for brands! It allows you to communicate directly with your audience and establish your brand as trustworthy in their minds, creating an impression that will define how they think of you for years to come.

  • 5) Use Youtube – Make your channel and share Corporate Video / Product Describing Videos

This is what social media is all about for brands! It allows you to communicate directly with your audience and establish your brand as trustworthy in their minds, creating an impression that will define how they think of you for years to come.

Your Value Proposition ( whats is your TADKA in your business)

A value proposition is a promise of value to be delivered. It’s the main reason a prospect should buy from you, and not from your competitor. So what does one look like? A strong value proposition describes…

1) What You Do – First, define what your business does in very clear terms.

2) How You Do It – Describe exactly how you do what you do.

3) For Whom You Do It – Businesses are much more effective when they practice verticalization: establish a niche and become an expert in it. Your customers want to know that you understand their specific needs and challenges and that you’re the right company to address them.

4) What Makes You Different – A couple of hamburger patties and a slice of cheese on a bun are just that—until you add “special sauce.” Then suddenly it’s a Big Mac: the big- gest, best-selling juggernaut in fast-food history. So what’s your special sauce? In a world of Whoppers, what makes you a Big Mac? Identifying the “special sauce factor” is the key to building your brand.

How to Determine Your Value Proposition (Your TADKA)

So … how do you identify that “TADKA” factor? How do you figure out what to focus on when promoting your brand?

Here are a few things you need to do:

  1. Have a deep understanding of who your customers are.

  2. Understand the customer’s needs and goals.

  3. Position their brand as the one best qualified to meet the needs of its target market.

What does your customer want?

Every prospective client wants their agency to do one thing for them: im- prove their bottom line. But how will you do that? You need to show them using the metrics that they are most likely to care about when it comes to inbound marketing:

  • Increased traffic to their website.

  • More high-quality leads from that traffic.

  • Increased conversion of those leads.

  • An overall improvement over time of your marketing endeavors through evaluation and analytic.

Creating Buyer Personas

A buyer persona is like a character profile of the customer: who they are, what they want, and what their life is like.

1) Demographics – By understanding some of the key demographics for your target market – e.g. gender, marital status, age range, or income level – you begin to get a sense of who your customers might be, and narrow down their range of interests.

2) Job Level/Seniority – This is particularly important for all you B2B marketers out there. Even though you’re selling to a business, you’re still dealing with a person within that business. Who are they in the company? What are their responsibilities? What authority do they have in the decision-making process with regards to making this purchase? The CEO of a small business thinks and acts differently than the marketing manager at a mid-sized company, and the same can be said for managers in enterprise organizations.

3) Typical Day If you can piece together a customer’s routine on a typical day, you’ll understand many of the things that occupy their time, and what is and isn’t important to them.

If you can align your value proposition with what their customers care about and figure out how to communicate that value proposition to the customer, then you’re a branding rockstar.

4) Pain Points What keeps the buyer up at night? What problems do they need the most help solving? If you can get a handle on that, then you’ll be even better prepared to position yourself as the brand that will help them solve those problems, so that they can rest easy day and night.

5) Information Sources – How is the buyer researching their problem? Where do they get their news? What do they read? Do they consume blogs? White papers? Infographics? What social media do they use, and how do they use it? Once you know where the buyer is going for information, you can put your information there for them to find.

6) Objections – No need to sugarcoat things. There are always objections. You know that your company is the best one for the job, but the customer isn’t convinced yet. Why not? Figure out the reasons why the buyer is still hesitant to make a purchase and why they might opt not to make the purchase from you. Arm yourself and your team with answers to these objections that will alleviate their prospects’ concerns – communicated in a fashion that will appeal to the specific persona you’ve created. That includes the right phrasing and format of delivery.


Content for Coming Weeks –
  • Putting Your Brand Into Play

  • Social Presence

  • How to Building a Brand Voice

  • Site Structure and Appearance



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